Gopi Krishna Movies Pvt. Ltd. is listed in under the category of Cinema Halls.
Gopi Krishna Movie hall is the biggest and oldest multiplex movie theater of Nepal with a total seat capacity of 3000 approx. This is one of the cinema hall of nepal which promotes nepali movies by showing nepali movies daily.
Location: Chabahil Kathmandu Nepal
Contact Number: 01-4812409, 01-4812393 (For Booking as well)
Email: n/a
Attractions of Gopi Krishna Movie Hall: Food Counter, Pay Parking.
Seat Capacity:
Gopi krishna Seat Capacity:
Total Screens: 7 (Theater Names: Gopi, Krishna, Radha, Meera, Om, Namah, Shivaya)
Total Seats: 3000
Show Time:
The show time listed here may may change as per the Gopi Krishna Movie hall’s management decision. In order to see the exact show time for today click here – Now Showing or call at 01-4812409, 01-4812393
8:20 AM, 11:20 AM, 2:20 PM, 5:20 PM
8:20 AM, 11:20 AM, 2:20 PM, 5:20 PM
8:20 AM, 11:20 AM, 2:20 PM, 5:20 PM
8:20 AM, 11:20 AM, 2:20 PM, 5:20 PM
8:20 AM, 11:20 AM, 2:20 PM, 5:20 PM
8:20 AM, 11:20 AM, 2:20 PM, 5:20 PM
8:20 AM, 11:20 AM, 2:20 PM, 5:20 PM
Ticket Price/Rates:
Nepali Movies
Nrs. 300
Nrs. 200
Nrs. 100
Bollywood (Hindi) Movies
Nrs. 300
Nrs. 200
Nrs. 100
Special Offers/Discount:
50% Discount in every Morning Show
50 % Discount on evening shows from Sunday to Thursday (except Public Holidays)
If you do not find the show time for Gopi Krishna Movies in this page then go to our Now Showing page to get the latest show time for all the movies in major cinema halls of Nepal